David Breitman is equally at home with the fortepiano and the modern piano, and enjoys both solo and ensemble playing. His collaboration with the late Sanford Sylvan spanned more than thirty years, with several hundred recitals and four CD’s, ranging from Schubert’s Die schöne Müllerin, to the premiere recording of The Glass Hammer, a major song cycle by the Cuban-American composer Jorge Martin. He has recorded the Mozart piano-violin sonatas on historical instruments with Jean-François Rivest, Beethoven’s violin sonatas with Elizabeth Wallfisch and cello sonatas and variations with Jaap ter Linden. In a collaboration of a different sort, he was one of seven fortepianists on the ground-breaking recording of the complete Beethoven piano sonata cycle on period instruments for CLAVES from 1997.

David joined the Historical Performance Program at Oberlin Conservatory in 1991, teaching fortepiano and clavichord as well as courses in performance practice. With his book, Piano-Playing Revisited: What Modern Players Can Learn from Period Instruments which appeared to critical acclaim in 2021, he summarizes a lifetime of experience as a performer and teacher.


Jesse Blumberg


Kevin J. Garnica